

Close Tomorrow Evening at 7.--2 Names Added to List of Nominees.

At a meeting of the Senior Nominating Committee held yesterday afternoon the following additional nominations were made:

Secretary--R. W. Hall, Malden, nominated by the Committee.

Photograph Committee--J. F. Day, St. Louis, Mo.; nominated by petition.

The name of J. E. Waid was withdrawn from the list of nominees for the Class Committee on account of his election as Marshal.

Additional nominations for Secretary the Class Committee, the Class Day Committee, and the Photograph Committee may be made to the Nominating Committee by petitions signed by 50 voters. These petitions must be in the box provided for that purpose in the CRIMSON office before 7 o'clock tomorrow.


The complete list of nominations at the present time is as follows:

Secretary--R. W. Hall, Malden, C. C. Little, Brookline; J. E. Thayer, Jr., Lancaster.

Class Committee--G. G. Browne, Log Angeles, Cal.; S. T. Hicks, Arlington; L. C. Seaverns, Chicago, III.

Class Day Committee--W. K. Earle Minneapolis, Minn.; F. P. Ferguson, Jamaca, L. I., N. Y.; W. P. Fuller, South, Walpole; S. Galatti, New York, N. Y.; R. C. Hallowell, Wilmington, Del.; R. Haydock, Germantown, Pa.; F. de H. Houston, Concord; L. M. Little, New buryport; E. V. Long, Maroa, Ill.; C. Loring, Prides Crossing; E. K. Merrihew, Newton; H. V. Morgan, Germantown, Pa.; F. M. de Selding, Summit, N. J.; G. F. Waterbury, Westchester, N. Y.; L. Watson, Brookline.

Photograph Committee--F. H. Burrage, Boston; P. W. Carter, West Newton; F. H. Cooke, Chicago, Ill.; J. F. Day, St. Louis, Mo.; G. S. Deming, New York, N. Y.; G. W. Hallowell, Wilmington, Del.; H. Hooper, Chicago, Ill.; R. H. Hutchinson, Philadelphia, Pa.; W. C. Kenney, Weston; P. R. Lieder, Brooklyn, N. Y.; E. H. Ruch, Englewood, N. J.; H. Watson, Brookline.
