
Twelve Scrub Hockey Teams Formed

Twelve teams and a sufficient number of individuals to form another have been entered in the scrub hockey series, for which the schedule will be published shortly. Cups will be awarded by the University hockey management to the seven members of the winning team.

Every team must have a captain or manager who will have complete charge of running the team. These men must arrange for the place, time, and officials for each game. A complete list of the members of all teams must be sent to the manager of the University hockey team at the Athletic Office after every game.

The teams entered are: Alfalfas, Chuck-a-pucks, Esquimaux, Hawks, Mic-Macs, Puck Shooters, Shredded Wheats, Slippery Sluggers, Solid Ivories, Seven Sutherland Sisters, Whiffenpoofs, Whiff-Whaffs.
