

Information Regarding Ticket Applications for New York Yale Game

The University hockey game scheduled to be played in the Stadium this afternoon with the St. Nicholas team of New York has been cancelled on account of unfavorable weather conditions.

The next scheduled game for the University team will be played in the stadium on next Saturday afternoon with St. Francis College of Nova Scotia, which this season has proved one of the strongest teams of Eastern Canada. Last year St. Francis was barely defeated by the University team by the score of 1 to 0.

Other games today are: Andover vs. Brae Burn at Andover; Williams vs. Rensselaer at Williamstown; Williams vs. Rensselaer at Williamstown; and Wesleyan vs. Pomfret at Pomfret.

Seats for Yale Game on February 19.

Applications for tickets to the Harvard-Yale hockey game, which will be played in the St. Nicholas rink, New York, on Saturday, February 19, at 8.15 o'clock, should be sent to the office of the Athletic Association before Friday, February 11, at 5 o'clock. All applications must be accompanied by money orders or checks made payable to the Athletic Association, and by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The price of tickets is $3 and $2.50.


Preference will be given in the following order: I First, applications for one seat for personal use only (cheering section); second, for two seats, applicant to occupy one of the seats; third, for three or four seats, applicant to occupy one of the seats. II. Applications by members or graduates of the University, for tickets not for personal use, same order as above.

Blank application forms may be obtained at the Athletic Association office, at Leavitt and Peirce's, and at Brine's.
