
A Few, Results from New York Meet

A Boston relay team on which E. K. Merrihew '10 and D. P. Ranney '12 ran with Prout and Gram of the Boston Athletic Association, was defeated in the annual games of the Pastime Athletic Club at Madison Square Garden, New York, last night. The New York team finished first, with Brooklyn second, and Boston ten yards in the rear, in the inter-city relay. Mersihew, running last for Boston, made the best race for his team, but could not make up the distance. Ranney was second man for Boston, but was unable to hold his own against his opponent.

The best of the collegiate relays was a two-mile race between the University of Pennsylvania and Yale. Pennsylvania won handily in 8 minutes, 4 4-5 seconds. The winning team was made up of Boyle, Gray, Levering and Paull, and Yale was represented by Boyd, May, Miles and Kirjassoff.
