

Freshman Seven Meets Country Club Second Team in West Newton.

The Freshman hockey team will play the Brae Burn second team in the third game of its schedule at the Brae Burn Country Club, West Newton, this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The last two games of the 1913 schedule, with St. Mark's and Pomfret, had to be cancelled owing to lack of ice. The team, therefore, has suffered somewhat by losing the experience of these games, and irregular practice during the past few days has also hindered development. Thus far the team has played two games, losing one to the Rindge Manual Training School by the score of 3 to 1 and winning from Noble and Greenough's, 2 to 1.

Three more games after the one with Brae Burn remain on the with Brae Burn remain on the Freshman schedule. An effort will be made to arrange dates for the two games which were postponed. In case more team-play, the lack of which has been conspicuous thus far, can be developed within the next few days, the team should be well prepared to meet the Yale freshmen on February 12.

The line-up follows: 1913.  BRAE BURN SECOND. Francis, l.e.  r.e., Mackay Palmer, l.c.  r.c., Barry Rushmore, r.c.  l.c., Grafton Paine, r.e.  l.e., Bullivant Booth, c.p.  c.p., Bray Graustein, p.  p., Perkins or Penhallow Gardiner, g.  g., Converse
