Mr. G. O. Shields, founder and former president of the League of American Sportsmen, will give an illustrated lecture on "Snow Slides in the Canadian Rockies" in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be open only to members of the Union.
Mr. Shields has taken a large number of very good photographs of the mountains and animal life of the West during the winter. The stereopticon slides taken from these photographs will be shown in his lecture. He has already won the reputation of a lecturer and story-teller of note and has devoted himself to the cause of the protection of game and birds in this country. The organization of which he was the founder has been instrumental in bringing to public notice the facts of the rapid extinction of American game and in showing the necessity for legislation to prevent its disappearance in some sections of the country.
Mr. Shields served in the Civil War between 1863 and 1865 and later in connection with his interest in animal life was a contributor to Harper's Weekly, Harper's Monthly, and an editor of Recreation. He is now on the editorial staff of Shield's Magazine. Among the books that he was written are "The Big Game in North America," "American Game Fishes," "Hunting in the Great West," and "The Battle of the Big Hole."
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