Mr. Henry Miller will present the "Faith Healer," by W. V. Moody '93, in Sanders Theatre on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Tickets may be obtained not only at Kent's University Bookstore, as previously announced, but also at Herrick's agency in Boston. The price of reserved seats is $1.50 each, and admission tickets, which will be placed on public sale this morning, may be obtained at 50 cents each. On Monday evening tickets may be obtained at the Auditor's Office in Memorial Hall. The doors of Sanders Theatre will be open Monday evening at 7 o'clock.
The "Faith Healer" was acted for the first time on any stage in the Savoy Theatre in New York last Thursday evening by Henry Miller and his company. Throughout the play Mr. Miller contrived to invest the character of the "Faith Healer" with a pathetic dignity and to illumine it with a touch of real imagination. His reading of the many beautiful lines was excellent, and was heard "by a house for the moment hushed and awed by things that were of the spirit."
There are several moving moments in Mr. Moody's play and in them the poise and dignity of Mr. Miller's acting appeared at their best. A number of passages deserve to be called literature and they could scarcely fall into better hands for delivery than into Mr. Miller's. Such a passage is that in which the "Faith Healer" tells how he first saw the vision and heard the voice that sent him on his mission.
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