

Defeated Seniors 15 to 10 by Superior Team-Work in Final Class Game.

The Senior basketball team was defeated by the Freshman five in the final game of the interclass series by the score of 15 to 10 in a hard-fought contest in the Hemenway Gymnasium last evening. More aggressive work on the offence and greater accuracy in shooting goals accounted largely for the 1913 victory. During the first half the Freshmen showed much better team-work than the Seniors and were able to score 12 of the 15 points as against 4 made by the Seniors. A marked improvement in the Senior team in the second half made the playing more nearly even.

Toward the end of the game the playing became very fast and aggressive on both sides. On several occasions a try for goal was made from more than half the length of the floor. Lack of sufficient preliminary practice was responsible for the poor defensive work of both teams.

The best playing for the Freshmen was done by Keller and Sullivan, while Sheehan was the most effective man for the Seniors.

The summary follows: 1913.  1910. Duff, Hardy, Knight, r.f.  l.f., Sheehan Sullivan, l.f.  r.f., Ellis Keller, Brown, c.  c., Sexton Blake, r.g.  l.g., Brown Forestall, Gantz, l.g.  r.g., Jordan

Score--1913, 15; 1910, 10. Goals from floor--Keller 3, Sullivan, Duff, Forestall, Sheehan, Brown. Goals from fouls--Sullivan 3, Sheehan 5, Sexton. Referee--H. V. Amberg '08. Timekeeper--K. B. Day '11. Time--20-minute halves.
