

University Hockey Team Won Second Intercollegiate Game, 6 to 0.

In its second game of the intercollegiate series, the University hockey team defeated Columbia yesterday afternoon in the rink in the Stadium by a score of 6 to 0.

Although the University forwards made a poor showing generally, the result of the game was never in doubt owing to the weak defence of the opposing team and the consistent work of Huntington at point. The only redeeming feature of the forwards' work was their following back to help the defence; this they did better than in any of the previous games, and accomplished much toward preventing Columbia's scoring. The team has not yet gained the snap and aggressiveness necessary to win the later games of the league series. Many times yesterday the play lagged and at no time did the forwards take the puck down the ice together. Another weakness was the shooting, Hicks missing three tries in the first half which should have counted. Foster, in company with Gardner and Leslie, seemed slow in starting and were unable to shake off the Columbia forwards. Hornblower and Hicks played fairly strong individual games but their shooting was poor and inaccurate.

In the first half Hicks and Hornblower each scored twice, but both times on individual work. They gave Murphy, the Columbia goal, several hard shots to stop, which he did very cleverly at times. In the second half the University forwards started off with a rush and played an aggressive game for the first few minutes, but were unable to score. After ten minutes of slow playing, Gardner caged the puck from a scrimmage in front of the goal. The last score was also made by Gardner on a pass from behind the net.

The summary follows: HARVARD.  COLUMBIA. Leslie, Browne, Duncan, l.e.  r.e., Trimble Hicks, l.c.  r.c., Lovejoy Gardner, r.c.  l.c., Cassidy Hornblower, Wigglesworth, r.e.  l.e., Harding Foster, Blackall, c.p.  c.p., Murchie Huntington, p.  p., Kinney Chadwick, g.  g., Murphy

Score--Harvard, 6; Columbia, 0. Goals--Hicks 2, Hornblower 2, Gardner 2. Referees--Dr. F. J. Goodridge '98, Mr. Foote, Brae Burn. Timekeeper--R. Haydock '10. Time--20-minute halves.
