

In Stadium at 3.30.--Second Intercollegiate Game for University Team.

The University hockey team will play its second game of the intercollegiate series with Columbia in the University rink in the Stadium this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. H. A. A. tickets will not admit to this game but reserved seats at 75 cents each and general admission at 50 cents will be on sale at the gate. The ice in the University rink has been greatly improved by the cold weather of the past two days and is now in perfect condition.

The Columbia team has played fewer practice games this season than any of the other teams in the intercollegiate league and consequently the result of today's game cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty. The team began practice in the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, in the early part of December, and has played a few practice games with teams of the New York Amateur Hockey League, defeating the Wanderers, 3 to 0. It is the general opinion that Columbia has made the best showing of any of the colleges against these teams. The one game which would have done much to show Columbia's relative strength, that with Princeton scheduled for last Wednesday, was cancelled.

The steady improvement on the part of the University defence should make the game close, with the chances in favor of Harvard. The University forwards are individually strong, but chiefly owing to the absence of Captain Hicks, have made little progress in passing and team-play. If the forwards show any such unity of play as they did in the last half of the Cornell game, Columbia's defence will have to be unusually efficient to prevent their scoring.

The two teams will line up as follows: HARVARD.  COLUMBIA. Leslie, l.e.  r.e., Trimble Hicks, l.c.  r.c., Lovejoy Gardner, r.c.  l.c., Cassidy Hornblower, r.e.  l.e., Harding Foster, c.p.  c.p., Murchie Huntington, p.  p., Kinney Chadwick, g.  g., Murphy

Team Held Scrimmage Yesterday.


The University hockey team held its last practice before the Columbia game yesterday afternoon in the University Rink in the Stadium. Captain Hicks, who has not played since the Cornell game last Saturday, was on the ice but did not take part in the game between the first and second teams. With this exception the team played as it will start the Columbia game this afternoon.

The following back of the University forwards was much improved but there was no concentrated attack, with the result that only one goal was scored. The excellent defensive work prevented any shots on the part of the second team forwards.

The teams lined up as follows: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Leslie, Browne, l.e.  r.e., Wigglesworth Duncan, l.c.  r.c., Kirkland, Childs Gardner, r.c.  l.c. Cutler Hornblower, r.e.  l.e., Browne Foster, c.p.  c.p., Blackall Huntington, p.  p., Paul Chadwick, g.  g., Smart
