

First Team Defeated Second 7 to 0.--Cut in University Squad Announced.

The University hockey team held a long practice in the University rink in the Stadium yesterday afternoon. The practice was held at 4.30 o'clock so that the team might become accustomed to artificial light in preparation for the third intercollegiate game with Princeton in New York on Saturday evening.

For the first hour the forwards were given shooting practice and individual work against the defence, the four University and second team forwards being sent down against their respective defences. Following this, the first team played a twenty-minute game with the second, which the former had no difficulty in winning, 7 to 0. The second team forwards were unusually weak in following back and did not support their defence as they should have. The University forwards showed up well individually, especially Gardner, who made the majority of the goals. There is still a lack of passing and team play, however, which must be developed before the final games in the league series. The three defence men have been improving steadily, especially Foster and Chadwick, at coverpoint and goal, respectively.

Although many substitutes were used yesterday on the second team, the two teams played most of the time with the following players: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Leslie, Browne, l.e.  r.e., Wigglesworth Duncan, l.c.  r.c., Cutler, Clifford Gardner, r.c.  l.c., Kirkland Hornblower, r.e.  l.e., Leslie Foster, c.p.  c.p., Browne, Blackall Huntington, p.  p., Paul Chadwick, g.  g., Smart, Wolfe

Men Retained on University Squad.

A cut was announced last evening in the University hockey squad. The men who have been dropped are asked to organize one, if possible two teams in the scrub series. For this purpose the entry list at the CRIMSON Office will be left open until 6 o'clock this evening. All men retained on the squad but who are not at the training table will be required to keep strict training, to be dressed to play in all the games in Cambridge and to report in the Stadium at 4.30 o'clock every day unless there is notice to the contrary in Leavitt & Peirce's window. These men will be closely watched by Coach Winsor with a view to taking one or more to the training table. The following men have been retained: forwards--G. G. Browne, Clifford, Cutler, Duncan, Fraser-Campbell, Gardner, Hicks, Hornblower, Kirkland, Leslie, Pratt, Wigglesworth; coverpoints--Blackall, Foster; points--Huntington, Paul; goals--Chadwick, Smart.


If any of these men have not taken strength tests, they must do so today between 2 and 4 o'clock.

Progress of Scrub Series.

The first round of the scrub hockey series was continued yesterday afternoon, the Solid Ivories defeating the Esquimanx 2 to 1, and the Chuck-a-pucks winning from the Hawks 4 to 3. On account of the excellent condition of the ice on the Charles River opposite the Weld boathouse, it has been decided to play several games there this afternoon. Following is the schedule for today: at 2.30 o'clock in the Freshman rink, Slippery Sluggers vs. the Whiff-Whoffs; in the University rink at 2.30 o'clock, the Mic-Macs vs. the Whiffenpoofs; on the Charles River at 3.30 o'clock, Shredded Wheats vs. the Puck-Shooters; on the Charles River at 3.30 o'clock, Yale Hockey Team vs. the Fair Co-eds; on the Charles River at 3.30 o'clock, Stars and Stripes vs. the Temple Bars. The Unknowns draw a bye.

Three teams entered the series yesterday, making a present total of seventeen teams. The new teams are as follows:

Stars and Stripes--W. K. Earle '10, W. M. Evarts 1L., H. Hooper '10, R. W. Knowles '12, C. MacLeod '10, H. B. Palmer '10, P. Parsons '10, L. C. Seaverns '10, R. Whidden '12, C. H. Wolfe '10.

Temple Bars--R. L. Brown 3L., manager; C. B. Chapin 3L., A. D. Farwell 1L., J. B. Grant 1L., G. Henderson 1L., A. C. Myers 1L., W. H. Taft 1L., D. J. Torrey 2L.

Unknowns--P. M. Smith '11, manager; W. N. Coler '11, E. Ellis '11, S. A. Higgins '12, F. W. Hodgdon '11, F. R. Mead '12, J. H. Noble '11, M. S. Robbins '12, A. W. Rolfe '12, A. Sweeney '10.

A. M. Sweeney '10, J. Eliot '12, and M. Corcoran '11 have been assigned to the Mic-Macs, C. S. Whittier '11 and A. M. Goodale '13 to the Seven Sutherland Sisters. E. S. Blodgett '12 and W. K. Blodgett '11 will be assigned to teams made up of men dropped from the University squad
