The formal ceremony of the inauguration of President Lowell, followed by the President's address and the conferring of honorary degrees will take place on the morning of October 6 at 10.30 o'clock. The exercises will be held on a platform which is being constructed in front of University Hall. The departments of the University, the Alumni Association and the Harvard Club of Boston have arranged a number of official receptions and social gatherings for the entertainment of the visiting delegates and alumni from October 5 to 7.
The enrolment of delegates of universities, colleges and learned societies will take place at the Union on October 5 between 8.30 and 10.30 P. M. This ceremony will be followed by an informal reception to which members of the governing boards and faculties of the University and gentlemen entertaining delegates will be admitted without tickets.
Delegates who are unable to be present on this occasion will be enrolled at Phillips Brooks House on October 6 at 9 A. M.
On the morning of October 6, the members of the governing boards and faculties, delegates, and guests who have been specially notified, will assemble at Phillips Brooks House at 9.30 o'clock and march in procession to the platform at University Hall, where at 10.30 o'clock the inaugural ceremonies will be performed. The President's address and the conferring of honorary degrees will immediately follow the inaugural ceremony. Seats on the lawn for alumni and guests having tickets will not be reserved after 10 o'clock.
From 12.15 to 2.15 P. M., a luncheon will be given by the Alumni Association at the Union.
The members of the Association and invited guests, including the members of the Divinity, Law, Medical, and Dental Alumni Associations, will assemble at Massachusetts Hall at 2.30 P. M., and march in procession to Memorial Hall. Tickets at 50 cents each to the exercises in Memorial Hall, with coupon good for luncheon between 12.15 P. M. and 2.15 P. M. in the Harvard Union, will be on sale at the north windows of Grays Hall from 9 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. Tickets will be reserved until 1.45 P. M. for graduates of the College, up to and including the Class of 1858. Some tickets have been allotted to the classes from 1859 to 1908, both inclusive, and each class allotment will be reserved, if not sold, until 1.45 P. M. The tickets remaining unsold at 1.45 P. M. will be sold to graduates in the order of their application. Officers of instruction under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, although not graduates of the College, are entitled to purchase tickets. Graduates of the University, whether members of the Union or not, may buy tickets at 75 cents each for dinner in the Union.
At 1 o'clock a luncheon will be given in Bertram Hall by Radcliffe College to the ladies accompanying the delegates. At 2.30 o'clock the Alumni Association will meet in Memorial Hall. In the evening at 9.30 o'clock there will be a celebration by the students at the Stadium.
On Thursday morning, October 7, the delegates will assemble in Memorial Hall at 9.30 o'clock, and proceed to Sanders Theatre, where they will be presented, in order of the foundation of their institutions, to the governing boards and faculties of the University. Brief addresses will be made by a representative of the delegates from foreign institutions and by a representative of the delegates from institutions in the United States. This meeting will be open to officers of instruction and government, alumni, and students of the University, and friends accompanying them. At 1 o'clock the Harvard Club of Boston will give a luncheon for its members and for visiting alumni at the Colonial Club.
In the Faculty Room in University Hall President and Mrs. Lowell will receive the delegates and members of faculties at 1.30 o'clock. From 3.30 to 5 o'clock afternoon tea will be served at the Medical School to the delegates, faculties, alumni, students and friends accompanying them. At 7.30 P. M. in the Union the President and Fellows will give a dinner in honor of the delegates.
Applications for tickets of admission to the inaugural ceremonies, the celebration by the students, and the afternoon tea at the Medical School will be received as follows: from officers of instruction and government, on blank forms furnished by the committee on the inauguration; from alumni, on the blank form in the Gazette of September 17, from students of the University at the time and place of registration on September 30. All applications for tickets must reach the committee on inauguration, 5 University Hall, on or before October 1.
The Yard will be closed to the public on Wednesday, October 6, and tickets must be shown for admission. Alumni and present members of the University who for any reason have failed to provide themselves with tickets before this date may secure tickets admitting to the Yard, by applying in person at the gate of the Class of 1877 on Wednesday, October 6, from 8 to 11 A. M
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