
Changes in University Buildings

Among the summer improvements in University buildings, the extensive alteration and redecoration of the interior of Appleton Chapel is the most important. The former screen has been replaced by an entirely new partition, and the pulpit and reading-table have been remodelled.

In the south front of Robinson Hall have been set two marble reproductions of Roman bas-reliefs. The figures are surrounded by marble replicas of Roman coins and decorations. The whole is the gift of N. L. Robinson '81, who gave Robinson Hall.

The office of the department of Economics has been transferred from University 23 and 24 to the wing of Upper Dane over the Bursar's office. The rooms in University thus made vacant have been arranged for the use of Dean Haskins of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Offices in Pierce Hall have been equipped for Professors Swain and Clifford. A room in Emerson Hall has been specially prepared for extensive experiments in psychology. Furthermore, the department of Forestry has moved to the north addition of Lawrence Hall.

At the Herbarium a large fire-proof building is being constructed to serve as a place for the preservation of classified specimens. The structure will be complete about December 1.

At the publication office a complete type-setting equipment has been installed and a modern two-revolution cylinder press has taken the place of the old drum press.
