
The Pop Concert

Following is the program for the Pop Concert in Symphony Hall this evening: Harvard Night. 1.  March, "Cruiser Harvard,"  Strube 2.  Overture, "Rienzi,"  Wagner 3.  An Evening in Granada,  Debussy 4.  Waltz, "Espana,"  Waldteufel 5.  Suite I, "Carmen,"  Bizet 6.  Husarenritt,  Spindler 7.  Hungarian Dances,  Brahms 8.  March, "Tannhauser,"  Wagner   Organ, Mr. Marshall. 9.  American Fantasy,  Herbert   Organ, Mr. Marshall. 10.  Selection, "Prince Pro Tem,"  Thompson 11.  "Fair Harvard." 12.  March, "Up the Street,"  Morse

The University Glee Club will sing several numbers during the evening.


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