

Disciplinary Measures.

[We invite all men in the University to submit, communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The region on Mt. Auburn street from Westmorly to Dunster street has gradually become populated practically entirely by undergraduates, and the students have come to look upon the neighborhood as a sort of playground where one can disport himself pretty much as he pleases at all hours of the day and night. During the spring months in particular, the noise and disturbance throughout the night become so annoying that sleep is often almost impossible. The various men in training have issued unavailing pleas for quiet, but the criminally thoughtless rioters have continued their noise unchecked.

A complaint has now come from another direction, namely, from the non-collegiate inhabitants of the vicinity, either landladies who take college lodgers, or the few private individuals who, having no connection with the College, nevertheless have the ill-fortune to live on or near Mt. Auburn street. The College authorities after a long period of inaction have suddenly roused themselves to the investigation of these complaints, and as a result stringent disciplinary measures have been visited upon certain disturbance-raisers. In other words, the time has come for this nocturnal noise to stop. The College has finally decided to make an example of certain students in order to show that it entirely disapproves of such performances.

This ought to be a sufficient warning. It is to be hoped that the office will not have to take any further steps in quelling the uncalled for disturbances which have become so unnecessarily frequent. SENIOR.
