
Election to Board of Overseers

The annual election to the Board of Overseers will be held in Massachusetts Hall on Commencement Day. This year there are seven vacancies to be filled: five for the full term of six years, to replace those of the class which goes out of office on Commencement; one for the term of two years to take the place of the late Charles Eliot Norton '46; and one for the term of one year to take the place of the late John Noble '50.

As there are seven vacancies, it has been decided to place in nomination the names of the 14 men who received the highest number of votes in the postal ballot which closed on June 16, as follows: Oliver Ames '86, of North Easton; George Emerson Bird '69, of Portland, Me.; Howard Elliott '81, of St. Paul, Minn.; John Wells Farley '99, of Boston; Russell Green Fessenden '90, of Boston; James Frederick Jackson '73, of Brookline; Joseph Lee '83, of Boston; John Pierpont Morgan, Jr., '89, of New York City; William Lambert Richardson '64, of Boston; Lawrence Eugene Sexton '84, of New York City; Francis Joseph Swayze '79, of Newark, N. J.; Ezra Ripley Thayer '88, of Boston; Charles Grenfill Washburn '80, of Worcester; George Wigglesworth '74, of Milton.
