

This evening in the Stadium Miss Maude Adams and her company will present Schiller's "Joan of Arc" before the largest audience ever gathered together in America to witness a theatrical performance. The unusual interest that has been shown already by the public, and the nature of the production combine to make a remarkable occasion.

Miss Adams's untiring preparation, with the resultant fidelity of the presentation, promise to make "Joan of Arc" as memorable as the "Agamemnon" of Aeschylus given by the Greek Department three years ago. In devoting the proceeds of so great an undertaking to the Germanic Museum, Miss Adams's generosity cannot fail to be appreciated by the entire University.

While acting in New York Miss Adams devoted all her spare time to familiarizing herself with the play, and drilling the cast. Many obstacles had to be overcome. The size of the production made a rehearsal of the entire company impossible on an ordinary stage. Moreover, Miss Adams abruptly closed a most successful season last Saturday in order to devote all her time to preparation for the play.

Even a short account of the arrangements for the production show the scale on which the play is to be staged and its importance in the development of outdoor theatricals. For her unfailing enthusiasm, her courage in so large an undertaking, and for her characteristic unselfishness in devoting her time and money to an impersonal cause, Miss Adams has the sincerest thanks, not only of the German Department, but of the undergraduates and alumni of the University at large.
