Many graduates of the University who live at a distance from Cambridge are prevented from enrolling as Associate Members of the Union by the fact that they are able to take advantage of its privileges only on rare occasions. They may have been members throughout their College course, or may have been graduated before the founding of the Union, thus losing the opportunity to become familiar with its advantages. Yet because as graduates they are eligible to membership, they are denied the use of the club-house on their occasional visits to Cambridge. It has become the policy of the Union to extend its privileges to men of several other colleges visiting Cambridge with their teams, while every Harvard graduate not a member is debarred. At such times the admission of alumni might be permitted without any appreciable loss in membership, -- it might even result in a gain. Such a change would seem to be both courteous to the graduates and in keeping with the broad principles on which the Union is founded.
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Open Meeting of Dramatic Club at 9