

Same Batting Order as Wednesday.--Hartford and Hicks Will Pitch.

The University baseball team will play Pennsylvania State College on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Hartford and Hicks will divide the pitching, as in the last game, and the former will probably start.

After the victory over Colby on Wednesday, the team was given a day's layoff. The practice yesterday afternoon was begun at 2 o'clock, so that the men might get used to the sun, as both the game today and the Yale game will begin at that hour. The practice went smoothly and the team seemed in good condition for the game today.

The Pennsylvania State team is expected to make a good showing. It has defeated Michigan, 9 to 7, and Annapolis, 9 to 3. In the early part of the season, however, it was defeated by the score of 5 to 4 in its game with Brown.

The batting orders: Lanigan, 3b.  2b., Kelley Harvey, c.f.  c., vorhis Currier, c.  3b., Oberlein Simons, s.s.  1b., Hirshman MacLaughlin, 2b.  l.f., Workman Dana, l.f.  c.f., McCleary Briggs, 1b.  s.s., Blythe Aronson, r.f.  r.f., Thomas Hartford, Hicks, p.  p., Skemp, Klepper
