

To make good the deficiency which would result from the abolition of athletic subscriptions, we would suggest as a second remedy a reduction in the needless expenses. There is absolutely not reason why a man who makes a team should consider it his prerogative to be fed, nursed, clothed and amused at the expense of the Athletic Association. Yet such is the case. Most members of teams seem to consider that the College owes them a debt, which must be paid off in this manner. The situation has been described as analogous to that of a certain type of lawyer, who, so soon as he has an important case, considers it as an opportunity for making a tour of investigation, travelling at his ease, stopping at the best hotels, and living in luxury at his client's expense. The real distinction between the two situations is that the lawyer is conscious that the extravagance is unjustified, while the athlete is not.

The College treats the affair with seeming unconcern, but the real kicking comes from the officers of the Athletic Association, who know the facts. While willing to concede great liberty to the major teams in the matter of medical attendance, training-tables, expensive outfit and "H" sweaters, they are averse to unbending to the extent of dinners, theatre-parties, pictures, and like unessential. Further, there is really no reason why $5 sweaters should be dealt out wholesale to members of class teams winning their numerals,--teams which play three or four games at the most. Entirely aside from this, there is considerable unnecessary leakage, examples of which come to light occasionally; there is no reason, for instance, why the stenographer accompanying one of the track coaches to watch the Yale-Princeton meet should be given $20 for spending-money.

It may seem good policy to keep a team on which much depends in a pleasing frame of mind by a little pampering now and then, but when a man who sees things from the inside makes the statement that a 33 per cent. reduction in expenditures is possible, some attempt should be made to act in accordance.
