
Harvard Men in Track Meet Today

The field and track meet of the New England Association of the A. A. U. will be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology field, Brookline, this afternoon. The following Harvard men have entered although they will not represent the University:

100-yard dash--G. P. Gardner '10, A. J. Post '11, L. Watson '10.

220-yard dash--L. Watson '10.

440-yard run--R. F. Hoyt '10, H. W. Kelley '10, E. K. Merrihew '10.

880-yard run--R. F. Hoyt '10.


120-yard hurdles--A. L. Besse '10.

220-yard hurdles--G. P. Gardner '10.

High Jump--A. D. Barker '11, G. P. Gardner '10, S. C. Lawrence '10.

Broad Jump--G. P. Gardner '10, T. M. Gregory '10, S. C. Lawrence '10, C. C. Little '10, E. H. ruch '10.

Pole-vault--J. L. Barr '10, V. P. Kennard '09, J. A. King '12, S. C. Lawrence '10, E. L. Parker '10, L. C. Torrey '12.

Shot-put--H. L. Goddard '10, C. C. Little '10.

Hammer-throw--R. Douglas '12, J. C. Jones '09, V. P. Kennard '09, E. H. Ruch '10.

56-pound weight--C. C. Little '10.
