

Arrival of Yale Crews at New London.

Yale Crew Quarters, Gales Ferry, Conn., June 9, 1909.--The Yale university and freshman crew squads arrived here late this afternoon and immediately went to their quarters. The launch "Elihu Yale" was in readiness and the shells were all rigged for the men, but the crews were unable to go out on account of the heavy rain. D. M. Baker, 1911 S., was elected captain of the freshman eight.

At present the crews are rowing in the following order:

University crew--Stroke, Wallis; 7, Van Blarcom; 6, Howe; 5, Baker; 4, Hyde; 3, Wodell; 2, Glenny; bow, Rice; cox., Cass.

University four-oars: A--Stroke, Frost; 3, Brainard; 2, Colburn; bow, Thorne; cox., Fearing. B--Stroke, Brooks; 3, Mills; 2, Bogue; bow, Holloway; cox., Copp.

The orders of the freshman crews have not been definitely settled, as changes have been constantly necessary.


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