There will be a meeting in the Assembly Room of the Union on Monday, May 10, at 7 o'clock for the purpose of forming a wrestling association. The meeting will be conducted by Mr. Garcelon. A petition will be drawn up and sent to the Athletic Committee asking that the association be sanctioned, allowed to elect officers and transact such business as may be thought advisable and that it be granted permission to have outside competition with other colleges. The principal object of this association s to arouse interest in wrestling and to lessen the cost of wrestling lessons. The following men have signified their interest in wrestling, and a committee, consisting of G. D. Osgood '12, R. M. Page '10, and P. Withington '09, has sent out postals urging them to attend the meeting: E. C. Bacon '10, W. N. Bixby '12, R. I. Case '11, A. R. Cunningham '09, H. Fish, Jr., '10, A. R. Graves 1G., C. C. Little '10, O. McAllister '11, T. T. Mora-Rodriguez '12, W. K. Page '11, P. D. smith '11, D. G. Whitelaw 2L., L. Withington '11.
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