[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The managing committee of the dining halls desire to express their thanks, through you, to the students who have kindly answered the questions recently put to them, and have in many cases furnished much valuable information by their suggestions and criticisms. The committee desire also to thank the CRIMSON and the Student Council for their aid in spreading news of the inquiry, and in suggesting to the students that they answer promptly the questions propounded to them.
As soon as the committee was appointed by the Corporation to look into the conditions at Memorial and Randall Halls, they invited Messrs. Gunn, Richards & Company, of New York, the well-known industrial engineers, to give both halls a thorough inspection. With characteristic thoroughness Mr. Gunn and his assis- tants went over both halls from top to bottom, and furnished the committee with an elaborate report. Many of the suggestions contained in this report the committee will put into operation at once; the others will be acted on as soon as convenient.
Feeling that the work of management demanded closer attention than any member of the committee, in fairness to his other work, could give to it, the committee have appointed Reginald M. Hull '04, formerly assistant secretary of the Boston Finance Commission, as their representative. Mr. Hull will spend all his time at one hall or the other, and will be in frequent communication with the members of the committee. The committee will consider Mr. hull's reports, and will continue to do everything they can to make both halls comfortable for the students who use them. It is hoped that more students will find it convenient to eat at Memorial Hall or Randall Hall, and that the support thus given will enable that committee to continue the dining halls next year. W. S. BURKE. J. D. GREENE. E. H. WELLS. Managing Committee