
Shooting Team Defeated by Yale

Yale defeated the University shooting team last Saturday at the traps on Soldiers Field by the score of 230 to 219. Yale's total of 230 establishes a new intercollegiate record, beating the former record of 226, made by the University team in the shoot with Princeton on April 3, by four birds. This remarkable score was made possible by the very favorable conditions. Dickey and Morrison were high men for Yale with 48 birds out of 50. Hauthaway and Higginson shot best for the University team, each scoring 47. The individual scores follow: HARVARD.  YALE. Hauthaway,  47  Dickey,  48 Higginson,  47  Morrison,  48 Brewer,  45  Noel,  47 Gilman,  40  Troudeau,  44 Morse,  40  Thaw,  43   --  -- Totals,  219  230
