

Tonight at 7.--Baseball Game with Cornell Tomorrow Afternoon.

The University baseball team will leave this evening for Ithaca, where the first game of the Cornell-series will be played on Percy Field tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The team will take the special train leaving the South Station at 7 o'clock. The men will remain in Ithaca over Sunday and Monday, staying at the Ithaca Hotel. The return will be made by the special train which will reach Boston Tuesday morning.

R. G. McKay '11 has rejoined the squad after a short absence on account of illness. The following twenty men will be taken on the trip: R. H. Aronson '10, S. C. Boyer '10, T. Briggs '09, R. C. Brown '10, D. Crocker '10, E. P. Currier '09, E. T. Dana '09, E. M. Davis '09, N. K. Hartford '09, C. W. Harvey '09, S. T. Hicks '10, G. E. Jones, Jr., '11, R. P. Jordan '10, C. L. Lanigan '10, R. G. McKay '11, J. A. MacLaughlin '11, R. S. Marshall '10, J. W. Simons '09, P. Wyman '10, and Coach L. P. Pieper '03.
