
Invitations for Brooks House Spread

The invitations for the Phillips Brooks House spread on Class Day will be ready for distribution Saturday. Any members of the University or any graduate may obtain these at five cents each by calling at Brooks House any day thereafter, in the morning between the hours of 9 and 12, and in the afternoon between 1.30 and 5 o'clock.

The price of the tickets has been reduced from $1 to 75 cents each, and if there is any surplus after the expenses have been deducted a rebate pro rata will be made to all Seniors making use of the spread.

Men may feel assured that the food and service will be of the best, and the location between Holden Chapel and Brooks House is as good as can be found. In addition Brooks House will be open during the day and evening for the reception of guests. Coples of the invitations and menu may be seen at Brooks House at the above hours.
