
Interclass Golf Begins Monday

The interclass golf tournament will begin at the Oakley Country Club next Monday, when the Seniors will play the Juniors, and the Sophomores will play the Freshmen. The finals will be held on Tuesday. Each team will be composed of four men. The following captains have been appointed: 1909--H. H. Wilder, 1910--W. F. Morgan, 1911--P. M. Smith, 1912--F. T. Clark. Men wishing to try for their class teams must hand in their names to the captain immediately.

The following trials for the 1910 team have been arranged for today at the Oakley Country Club: W. C. Bowers vs. F. R. Kirkland, W. W. Bodine vs. C. L. Nichols, W. B. Durant vs. A. W. Fletcher. Scores must be left in Claverly 57 before 7 o'clock.
