
1912 Baseball Team Plays Andover

The Freshman baseball team will play Phillips Andover Academy at Andover this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The team will leave the Square at 10 o'clock, taking the 10.55 train from the North Station.

Andover has a fairly strong team this year, having defeated the Yale Freshmen, Mercersburg, and Springfield Training School, but the team has lost to Dartmouth, Colby, Carlisle, and the University team. The Freshmen have not been defeated so far this season, but played at tie game with Hotchkiss last Saturday.

The batting orders: HARVARD 1912.  ANDOVER. Campbell, Blackball, l.f.  2b., Bennett Conant, r.f.  s.s., E. Burdett Kennedy, 1b.  p., Wright Potter, 2b.  l.f., Thomson Desha, 3b.  1b., L. Burdett Wigglesworth, c.f.  c.f., Thompson Winston, s.s.  3b., Reily Howe, c.  r.f., Reynolds Babson, p.  c., Brown
