At 8 o'clock this evening in the New Lecture Hall the Freshman debating team will meet Yale in their third annual debate. The debate will be open to all members of the University and to the public. The subject for debate is: "Resolved, That United States Senators should be elected by a direct vote of the people." Yale has chosen to support the negative, and Harvard will argue the affirmative. C. B. Randall, A. D. Brigham, and F. Stern will represent the University in the order named, while Yale will be represented in order by A. C. Tener, D. McConaughy, and J. W. Young. The judges will be: Mr. J. Mitchell Chapple, editor-in-chief of the "National Magazine," Mr. Walter S. Parker, assistant superintendent of schools in Boston, and Mr. D. O. S. Lowell, headmaster of the Roxbury Latin School. Assistant Dean W. R. Castle '00 will preside at the debate.
After the debate there will be a Freshman smoker in the Dining Room of the Union, to which the judges, the ushers, the members of the Glee Club, and the members of both teams have been invited.
The team which will represent Harvard was chosen on March 29, and since then, under the direction of Coach S. F. Peavey 3L., it has been holding practice debates twice a week with the second team, composed of E. P. Felker, R. A. Files, and C. A. Woodard. The team has developed fairly rapidly and seems to be up to the standard of the last two Freshman teams which have debated against Yale.
The Harvard Speakers.
Alexander Campbell Tener, of Sewick-Pa., who will be the first speaker for the Freshmen, prepared for College at the Wyoming Seminary, Kingston. While in school he represented the Independent Society in the inter-society debate, and was the winner of the individual debating prize.
Arthur Dexter Brigham, of Boston, who will speak second for the Freshman team, prepared for College at Boston Latin School, where he won several prizes for public speaking.
Frank Stern, of Boston, the last Harvard speaker, prepared for College at English High School. He had no experience in debating at school, but won the Pasteur Medal last fall.
The Yale Team.
Alexander Campbell Tener, of Sedgeley, Pa., who will speak first for Yale, prepared for college at the Hill School, where he took part in various debating activities.
Donald McConaughy, of Mount Hermon, who will speak second for Yale, prepared for college at Mount Hermon School, where he took part in debating. He was president of the Philomathean Literary Society of the School, and represented it in the cup debates.
John Wallace Young, of Montrose, Pa., who will close the debate for Yale, prepared for college at Mount Hermon School, where he was prominent in debating. He was president of the Pierian Literary Society at the school.
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