

Beacon Cup Regatta in Basin at 5.15.--Criticism of Eights' Rowing.

The Beacon Cup Regatta for class crews will be rowed at 5.15 o'clock this afternoon over the mile and seven-eighths course in the basin from the Cottage Farm Bridge to the finish opposite the Union Boat Club. The members of the winning crew will be awarded their numerals. The second Freshman and Sophomore crews will enter, the race as a result of their finishing first and second, respectively in the race for second class crews yesterday.

In case the Freshmen win the race, the members of the upperclass crew which finishes first will receive their numerals. In any case the winning upperclass crew will race Worcester High School on Lake Quinsigamond on Saturday, May 22.

As the order of the Freshman crew has been practically unchanged for over a month, the men row much better together than the members of the other class eights, and the crew in consequence is more advanced. Under the direction of Coach Wray it has developed a long, powerful stroke with good slide work. The Freshmen have also had the advantage of long rows with coaching from the launch.

The three upperclass crews all had changes in their orders up to the latter part of last week, but in spite of this fact they have materially improved during the last few days, and at present seem to be very evenly matched. The Senior crew is made up of powerful men and rows well together. During the week the slide work has become much smoother and the blade work better. The Junior crew has corrected the tendency to wash out and rows with much snap, although the body swing of the men is very uneven. Both the Senior and Junior crews have shown their ability to start at 40 strokes to the minute. The Sophomore crew rows well together, but the men are inclined to cut the stroke short when rowing high, and consequently the boat does not space as well as either of the other two crews at a high stroke.

The orders in the race will be:


Senior crew--Stroke, Ellis; 7, Richards; 6, Crandall; 5, Richardson; 4, Haines; 3, Tabor; 2, Williams; bow, Wood; cox., McCormick.

Junior crew--Stroke, Martin; 7, Macleod; 6, Maxwell; 5, Platt; 4, Hill; 3, Hadden; 2, Loring; bow, Shepley; cox., Atkins.

Sophomore crew--Stroke, Eaton; 7, Jowett; 6, Beal; 5, Beane; 4, Thompson; 3, Harding; 2, Peabody; bow, Shillito; cox., Fales.

Second Sophomore--Stroke, Williams; 7, Jackson; 6, Ellis; 5, Kean; 4, Borst; 3, Hobart; 2, Hopkins; bow, Howe; cox., Everett.

Freshman crew--Stroke, Newton; 7, Metcalf; 6, Strong; 5, Higginson; 4, Leslie; 3, Balch; 2, Richardson; bow, Wiggins; cox., Voorhees.

Second Freshman--Stroke, Trumbull; 7, Hoar; 6, Parker; 5, Holt; 4, Amory; 3, Weston; 2, Howell; bow, Peabody; cox., Kempton.
