
Change in Leiter Cup Schedule

In the only Leiter Cup league baseball game played on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon, the Nine Muses defeated the Baby Dolls, 7 to 3.

The two games scheduled for this afternoon will be played as follows: Prickly Heats vs. Bush Leaguers on the diamond behind the bleachers, and Nine Muses vs. Mugwumps on the football field diamond.

The Huskies have been dropped from the league on account of failure to report for scheduled games. It was necessary, therefore, to revise the original schedule. The remaining games will be played as follows:

May 17--Baby Dolls vs. Limes, Nine Muses vs. Prickly Heats.

May 18--Mugwumps vs. Fathers, Bush Leaguers vs. Can Openers.


May 19--Bush Leaguers vs. Mugwumps, Fathers vs. Baby Dolls, Prickly Heats vs. Limes.

May 20--Fathers vs. Can Openers, Bush Leaguers vs. Baby Dolls.

May 21--Nine Muses vs. Can Openers, Limes vs. Mugwumps.

May 22--Prickly Heats vs. Baby Dolls, Limes vs. Nine Muses. Leiter Cup League Standing.   Won.  Lost.  P.C. Bush Leaguers,  3  0  1.000 Prickly Heats,  3  0  1.000 Baby Dolls,  2  1  .666 Nine Muses,  2  1  .666 Can Openers,  2  2  .500 Limes,  1  2  .333 Mugwumps,  0  3  .000 Fathers,  0  4  .000
