

In spite of the request by the three captains, printed some weeks ago, there has been no noticeable cessation of the disturbances late at night on Mount Auburn street and in the Yard. We are only too glad to have regular Yard concerts early in the evenings, for they can be made one of the most attractive features of he spring term. But when it comes to the impromptu attempts at harmony by the childish individuals who must make a noise to show what a good time they are having, we draw the line. At the end of this week the University baseball team and the track team have two of their most important contests, and the crew has been in strict training for many weeks. Add to these the members of the second and Freshman teams who are trying to keep in condition by going to bed early, and you have quite a considerable number of men who are disturbed by the celebrations of a few. We assure these few that their efforts in proclaiming he beauties of the harvest moon and in rendering other so-called "popular" songs about the bigness of the night tonight are not at all appreciated by the men in training, and we urge them to do their small share in helping the teams to win by keeping quiet in Cambridge after the athletes' bedtime.
