

In Stadium at 2.30.--Schedule of Events and List of Officials.--102 Entries.

The annual interclass track games will be held in the Stadium this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Admission tickets at 50 cents will be on sale at the gate, which will also admit holders to the University baseball game with Fordham. The officials are requested to report at the Locker Building at 2.15, and all contestants at 2 o'clock.

One hundred and two men have been entered for the meet. The number is much smaller than that of last year; this is largely accounted for, however, by the absence of the Freshman team, who compete against Andover this afternoon. In no event was it necessary to limit the entries, as was done last year, so the captains have decided to allow practically all who have entered to compete. First place in each event will count five points, second three, and third place one; the first three undergraduates to finish in each event will receive class numerals, and the first two will be awarded cups.

The closing event of the afternoon will be the finals of the 200-yard dash; the winner of this event, in addition to the regular cup offered by the Athletic Association, will hold, for one year, the challenge cup offered by L. P. Dodge '08, captain of last year's University track team.

Following is the revised list of officials:

Referee--N. W. Bingham '95.


Marshal--W. G. Wendell '09

Judges at finish--E. E. Babb, B. A. A. L. P. Dodge '08, G. Emerson '08, J. D. Leland '09.

Times--Coach Donovan, H. Watson '10, B. L. Young '07.

Field judges--R. H. Eggleston '09, F. P. Farquhar '09, H. E. Porter '09, W. P. Fuller '10.

Measurers--K. S. Cate '09, R. Burlingham '10, R. C. Hallowell '10, F. C. Page '10, T. T. Scudder '11.

Clerk of course--L. M. Little '10.

Assistant clerks of course--F. Ayer, Jr., '11, C. K. Cobb '11, L. C. Goodhue '11.

Inspectors--T. S. Green '09 J. A. Paine '09, J. R. Coollidge '10, A. Sweeney '10.

Scorers--S. T. Farquhar '12, F. D. Huntington '12.

Announcer--J. A. Locke '09.
