
Christian Ass'n Conference in Session

The annual conference of the presidents and secretaries of Christian Associations in Eastern colleges opened last evening in Phillips Brooks House. Forty-nine delegates from the New England colleges, Columbia and Pennsylvania have already registered. At the opening meeting last evening, Mr. F. W. Harris, of the international Y. M. C. A. committee, presided and introduced the speakers. J. M. Groton '09 welcomed the delegates in behalf of the Harvard Christian Association. Mr. E. C. Carter '00, secretary of the student departments of the Y. M. C. A. in North America, was the chief speaker and took as his topic: "For what principles do I stand as president of a Y. M. C. A.?"

Three regular sessions of the conference will be held both today and tomorrow, the first in the morning at 9, the second in the afternoon at 2.30, and the third in the evening at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. E. C. Jenkins, of the international Y. M. C. A. committee, will speak at 9.30 o'clock this morning on: "In what spirit should I approach religious difficulties?" At 7.30 o'clock he will speak on: "How can I help men to interpret the call of God?"
