

Summary of His Two Months' Tour of Southern and Western Cities.

President Eliot will return to Cambridge today after a two months' trip through the South and West. In the course of his tour President Eliot represented Harvard at many meetings and dinners of graduates, and studied the educational and industrial conditions in large sections of the country.

The President, accompanied by Mrs. Eliot, left Cambridge on February 7 for Buffalo, N. Y., stopping at Rochester on the way. At Buffalo the President was the guest of honor at a dinner given by the Harvard men of that city. He arrived in Chicago on February 10 and remained there for two days, speaking on "The Ethics of Industrialism" before the Religious Educational Association, and attending the annual dinner of the Chicago Harvard Club. The next few days were spent in hurried visits to Milwaukee, Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Returning by way of Chicago, he proceeded to Dallas, Tex., reaching there on February 20 after short stops at Nashville and Memphis. Having visited the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, President Eliot went to Austin, where he was the guest of President S. E. Mezes '90, of the University of Texas. While there he spoke before both houses of the state legislature and addressed the local Business League on "Municipal Government." At San Antonio, on February 26, he was present at the dinner of the Association of Northern and Eastern College Men in the Southwest. After spending four days at Houston and Galveston he left for New Orleans, where he delivered the Founders' Day address at Tulane University and received the honorary degree of LL.D.

From this time until March 19 he travelled slowly north through Alabama and Georgia, to Columbia, where the University of South Carolina is situated. Guilford College, Trinity College, at Dunham, N. C., and the University of North Carolina were all visited by the President on his way to Richmond, Va. After a short stay there President Eliot left for Washington.

During his stay in Washington President Taft, at a private interview, offered him the ambassadorship to the Court of St. James. This offer President Eliot declined to accept on account of his unwillingness to undertake new and important responsibilities. Another honor was conferred on President Eliot by the Japanese ambassador; Mr. Takahira, who presented him, in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, with the first class order of the Rising Sun.


On March 30 President Eliot was a guest of honor at the annual dinner of the Harvard Club of Washington, at which glowing tributes to his achievements and ideals were paid by President Taft and ex-Secretary of State Root. The following evening he spoke at the dinner of the Harvard Club of Maryland in Baltimore. For the last few days he has been the guest of Mr. F. c. Woodman '88, head-master of the Morristown School at Morristown, N. J. On Saturday evening he was the guest of the Harvard Club of New Jersey at its annual dinner.
