

Scrupulous Men Needed, but Great Wealth Unlikely from Practice.

Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte '71, former Attorney-General of the United States, addressed the members of the Union last night on "Law as a Career in America." He interspersed his remarks with many humorous illustrations.

Mr. Bonaparte began his lecture by saying that a man must be fitted for the profession which he is going into; he must have some idea of his own capabilities and tastes in order to form an opinion of what profession would best suit him. If a man has fallen in love with a profession he will go against the grain if he tries to follow another. There must be a conformity between the man and the law or his profession, just as there is a conformity between the tools and the profession for which they are used. If a man thinks he can do the work as well as that of any other calling, and make a living, he should follow the law by all means.

Some young Americans look upon great wealth as the goal of human endeavor, and look to law as the portal of this sublunar paradise, but if the young man has this idea when he studies law, as to his entering the profession, my only advice is "don't."

A lawyer is trained to deal with the unscrupulous, and therefore he himself must be scrupulous. To be scrupulous means a good reputation and a good reputation in the law often spells success. The capitalists do not want men like themselves to take charge of their cases, but men whom they can trust, and they are willing to pay well for this sort of talent, hence the reason why a lawyer should have a good reputation.

Our hypothetical young man may have the ambition to help his country, state, or town, and do this in the capacity of a "boss." A politician who is a member of the bar is usually a politician because he has failed to be a lawyer, and good lawyers usually fail to become good politicians. The greatest recommendation of a successful lawyer is that he has the power to do justice to mankind.
