
H. E. Fosdick to Preach Tomorrow

Rev. H. E. Fosdick, of Montclair, New Jersey, will preach in Appleton Chapel tomorrow at the regular evening service at 7.30 o'clock.

After graduating from Colgate College in 1901, Mr. Fosdick studied for three years at Union Seminary, New York City. He was then appointed assistant pastor of the Madison Avenue Church of that city, and later he was called to the First Church of Montclair, New Jersey. Mr. Fosdick is an orator of recognized ability and has spoken at the Northfield Conferences. He is college preacher at Yale, Princeton and Pennsylvania.

Seats on the floor will be reserved until 7.25 o'clock for members of the University and friends accompanying them. The gallery will be open to the public at 7 o'clock.

Rev. E. C. Moore will conduct morning prayers from April 5 to 17.
