

Pres. Eliot Unwilling to Accept Appointment Tendered by Pres. Taft.

An official announcement from Secretary Knox of the State Department has confirmed the report that President Eliot has definitely declined the tender of the ambassadorship to the Court of St. James made to him at an interview with President Taft in the Blue Room of the White House on Wednesday. It is the belief of Secretary Knox and Senator Lodge that President Eliot's declination is final, and that he cannot be induced to change his mind. He showed that he was retiring from the presidency of Harvard in order to relieve himself of responsible duties and that, although the honor conferred by such a position might be great, he was not disposed to undertake new responsibilities which might not be agreeable to him. Although President Eliot was urged to defer the refusal of the post until he had taken it into further consideration, he thought it better to come to a definite decision immediately.

President Eliot will be the guest of honor at the sixth annual banquet of the Harvard Club of New Jersey at Morristown this evening.
