
Interclass Track Meet Entries Close

Entries for the interclass track games to be held on Soldiers Field Saturday afternoon must be made in the blue-books at the Locker Building before 6 o'clock today. In order to avoid running an unnecessary number of preliminary heats, the number of men representing each class in any track event has been limited, and will be picked from the entries by the class captains tonight. It is probable that all who enter in the field events will be allowed to compete. All members of the Freshman track squad who do not accompany the team to Andover are urged to enter.

The silver cup offered by L. P. Dodge '08, captain of last year's University track team, to be awarded the winner of an annual contest in the 220-yard dash, will be competed for in the games Saturday, in addition to the regular cup offered by the Athletic Association. The conditions governing competitions for the cup are as follows:

1. The cup shall be awarded to the winner of the 220-yard dash in the annual spring interclass games and shall be held by him for one year.

2. Any man eligible for the University or Freshman track team is eligible to compete for the cup.

3. The cup shall become the permanent property of any man, eligible as provided in section 2, who shall win it four consecutive years.


4. There must be no handicaps granted in competing for the cup.
