The Standing Committee on the Nominations of Overseers is about to send out the list of candidates for the Board of Overseers, to be balloted on by the alumni. This year at Commencement Day there are six vacancies on the Board to be filled; five for the full term of six years, and one for the term of two years. The names of the twelve candidates, from the list of twenty given below, receiving the highest number of votes on the postal ballot will be placed on the official Australian ballot for use in the election on Commencement Day, June 30. If anybody entitled to vote for Overseers does not receive his ballot, he should communicate with the Secretary of the Committee, Malcolm Donald, 84 State street, Boston, or with the Harvard Alumni Association, 50 State street, Boston. The list of the candidates follows:
William L. Richardson '64, of Boston, Professor of Obstetrics, Emeritus, formerly Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
Leverett S. Tuckerman '88, of Boston.
George E. Bird '69, of Portland, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Maine.
Horatio A. Lamb '71, of Milton, Mass.
James F. Jackson '73, of Brookline, Mass., formerly mayor of Fall River, and chairman of the Massachusetts Railroad Commission.
George Wigglesworth '74, of Milton, Mass.
William Farnsworth '77; of Dedham, Mass.
Francis J. Swayze '79, of Newark, N. J., Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
Charles G. Washburn '80, of Worcester, Mass., Representative in Congress of the Third Massachusetts District.
Howard Elliott '81, of St. Paul, Minn., President of the Northern Pacific Railway.
Joseph Lee '83, of Boston.
Lawrence E. Sexton '84, of New York, N. Y.
Robert S. Gorham '85, of Newton, Mass.
Oliver Ames '86, of North Easton, Mass.
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