

On Soldiers Field at 4 in First Home Game--Men at Training Table.

The University baseball team will play Bates this afternoon at 4 o'clock on Soldiers Field in the first home game of the season. Either Hicks or Davis will pitch. The rest of the team will be the same as in the Georgetown game, with Marshall at shortstop in place of Simons, who has not yet sufficiently recovered from his illness. Crocker will probably start at second base, although MacLaughlin may be allowed to play for a while.

Last year the University team defeated Bates, 4 to 0, with Lanigan pitching. The Bates team is not particularly strong this year. Stone, Keaney, and Harriman are the only men who played in last year's game that are in the line-up today.

The regular H. A. A. tickets will admit to all home game except that with Yale. Season tickets at $3 each may be obtained at Amee's, Brine's, the Co-operative, Leavitt & Peirce's, and at Wright & Ditson's Cambridge and Boston stores. These tickets do not admit to the Yale game. Reserved seats, which will be 75 cents for mot of the games, will be on sale at the places mentioned above until 2 o'clock and after that time at the game. General admission will be 50 cents.

The batting orders: HARVARD  BATES Lanigan, 3b.  3b., Lamorey Harvey, c.f.  r.r., Clason Currier, c.  2b., Stevens Aronson, r.f.  c., Stone Dana, l.f.  s.s., Keaney Briggs, 1b.  l.f., Conklin Crocker, MacLaughlin, 2b.  c.f., Cobb Marshall , s.s.  1b., Dorman Hicks, Davis, p.  p., Harriman, Dellano


The following are now at the training table: Captain E. P. Currier '09, R. H. Aronson '10, t. Briggs '09, R. C. Brown '10, E. T. Dana '09, N. K. Hartford '09, C. W. Harvey '09, S. T. Hicks '10, C. L. Lanigan '10, R. G. McKay '10, J. A. MacLaughlin '11, R. S. Marshall '10, J. W. Simons '09.
