

Polls Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.--Business Meeting and Nominations.

The annual election of officers and committee members of the Union will be held today from 8 A. M. until 4 P. M. in the corridor of the Union. The Australian ballot system will be used and no voting by proxy will be permitted. Only active and life members who are students in the University will have the right to vote. The persons receiving the greatest number of votes will be declared elected. The following men have been appointed to take charge at the polls. Anyone unable to report is requested to send a substitute. From 8-9, R. G. Harwood '09 and J. D. Leland '09; 9-10, R. Ellis '09 and L. Withington '11; 10-11, H. B. Barton '09 and G. G. Browne '10; 11-12, E. C. Bacon '10 and P. Withington '09; 12-1, L. K. Lunt '09 and P. Wyman '10; 1-1.30, L. K. Lunt '09 and G. G. Browne '10; 1.30-2.30, L. K. Lunt '09 and T. T. Scudder '11; 2.30-3.30, L. K. Lunt '09 and R. Whitney '11; 3.30-4, L. K. Lunt '09.

Annual Business Meeting.

The annual business meeting will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the Assembly Room. The results of the election will then be announced and the reports of the treasurer, the governing board and the secretary will be read and acted upon. Any business brought up at the meeting will be open for discussion by all members of the Union. The undergraduate members are especially urged to attend the meeting. The order of business will be as follows:

1. Reading of minutes.

2. Announcement of result of election.


3. Reports of standing committees.

4. Report of the secretary.

5. Report of the treasurer.

6. Report of special committees.

7. Unfinished or referred business

8. New business.

9. Adjournment.

Graduate Schools, two to be elected--J. Richardson, Jr., 1L. (2L.), F. M. Blagden '09 (1L.), F. H. Burr '09 (1L.). The bracketed classes indicate in what department the men will be next year.

Undergraduates, four to be elected--E. C. Bacon '10, H. Fish '10, S. A. Sargent '10, E. Harding '11, T. T. Scudder '11, J. A. Sweetser '11, E. A. Winsor '11, G. H. Balch '12, L. D. Smith '12.


Seven to be elected, of whom at least three shall be graduates--W. C. Lane '81, C. T. Copeland '82, Professor J. H. Gardiner '85, Professor W. A. Neilson '96, W. R. Castle, Jr., '00, Professor C. H. Haskins h.'08, Professor B. Perry, R. Burlingham '10, B. M. Cutting '10, G. W. Martin '10, H. V. Morgan '10, W. G. Tinckom-Fernandez '10, H. J. Pulsifer '11, N. R. Sturgis '12, J. W. Suter '12. Nominations. The final list of nominations follows: PRESIDENT. Major Henry Lee Higginson '55. VICE-PRESIDENT. G. P. Gardner '10.  L. C. Seaverns '10. SECRETARY. C. L. Lanigan '10.  P. Wyman '10. GOVERNING BOARD.
