

Appointment Approved by Athletic Committee.--Other Authorizations.

At a meeting of the Athletic Committee held yesterday afternoon, Percy Duncan Haughton '99 was re-appointed head coach of the University football team for next season. His name was sent yesterday afternoon by Captain Hamilton Fish, Jr., '10 to the Athletic Committee, and the latter at once confirmed the appointment. The football committee which made the choice consists of G. R. Fearing '93, W. F. Garcelon L.'95, J. W. Farley '99, P. D. Haughton '99, A. Marshall L.'04, F. H. Burr '09, and Captain H. Fish, Jr., '10.

Haughton played on the University football team in 1896, 1897, and 1898. In 1897 he played fullback, but both the other years his position was at right tackle. The last team on which he played defeated Yale, 17 to 0. He was also very prominent in baseball while in College, playing on the University team from 1896 to 1899, the latter year as captain. After being graduated, Haughton coached the Cornell football team for two years, turning out a victerious team in his second year. For several years before his appointment as head coach last fall, he was assistant coach of the University football team. As head coach he turned out a victorious eleven from almost entirely new-material.

Mr. Haughton has been in doubt as to whether he could this year devote to football the great amount of time which the duties of a head coach require. He has finally consented, however, and will act this year without compensation.

Freshmen to Row Cornell Freshmen.

The Athletic Committee also consented to a race between the Freshman crew and the Cornell freshmen at Ithaca on May 31, to be rowed before the race between the Harvard and Cornell University crews. This will be the first Freshman race with Cornell since 1878.


O. Iselin '11, of New York City, was approved as second assistant manager of the University crew.

Schedule of 1913 Football Team.

The following schedule of the 1913 Freshman football team was approved by the Committee:

October 16--Groton at Groton.

October 23--Andover at Andover.

October 27--Exeter at Cambridge.

October 30--Open.

November 6--Open.

November 13--Yale freshmen at Cambridge.

On one of the open dates the Freshmen will play the Princeton freshmen at Princeton. This will be the first meeting between the Freshman football teams of the two Universities.
