
Soccer Team Defeated in First Game

The University association football team was defeated by 2 to 1 in the first game of the season, on Soldiers Field last Saturday, by the stewards of the S. S. Ivernia. Considering that the University team has had only one week of practice and that the field was in wretched condition, it played a good game against a team that has been together since last September. The game was close and exciting throughout but was characterized by ragged team-play.

McCready scored for the Ivernians in the first period on a header after a kick-in by Benjamin. He also made the other score early in the second half. The University team then braced. Vogel dribbled the ball down the field and kicked it through the posts for Harvard's only score.

Cooke, Fairbrother, and McCready played the best game for the Ivernia, and Brooks, Vogel, Munroe, and Galatti for Harvard.

The summary: HARVARD.  IVERNIA. Gardiner, g.  g., Werner Brooks, r.f.b.  l.f.b., Cooke Munroe, l.f.b.  r.f.b., Fairbrother Sprague, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Wood Graydon, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Meire Squibb, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Gillow Galatti, r.o.f.  l.o.f., Lamont Biodgett, Morris, r.i.f.  l.i.f., Oloer Vogel, c.f.  c.f., Benjamin Whitney, l.i.f.  r.i.f., McCready Fahnestock, Rice, l.o.f.  r.o.f., Simpson

Score--Ivernia, 2; Harvard, 1. Goals--McCready 2. Vogel 1. Fouls--Harvard 5. Ivernia 6. Referee--Hurley, of Brockton A.F.C. Linesmen--Hughes and Allen of Ivernia. Time--35-minute halves.


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