

The Corporation, realizing the seriousness of the dining hall situation, has appointed a managing committee to take charge of Memorial and Randall during the remaining months of the year. A serious problem confronts the members of this committee, for the two halls have been less and less prosperous every year. A few years ago it was necessary to apply ahead of time to get into the Harvard Dining Association, and a large waiting list was maintained. Now, the Association is glad to get anyone to help fill up the empty tables. The responsibility for this state of affairs must not be laid on the boards of directors, but on a general combination of circumstances. The increased cost of living, the moving of the social centre of the University, and the formation of new social clubs have all had a tendency to decrease the membership, and the facilities of the two dining halls have not been sufficient to stem the tide.

We sincerely hope that the new committee will find a way to avoid the present difficulties by some new arrangement which will restore the two associations to popularity. These organizations have the possibility of being important factors in University life, and with this competent graduate management in charge we trust that they will soon be placed in the positions which are theirs by tradition and by right.
