Mr. E. D. Mead spoke last night on "The United States as a World Power" under the auspices of the Patria Society in the Assembly Room of the Union.
Mr. Mead said that the early statesmen set a high ideal for this country as a world power,--an ideal which the country has cherished until today it is the greatest among the family of nations.
It was not the sinking of a few second-class Spanish gunboats that brought the United States into prominence within the last few decades, but the immense influence which the country has exerted upon other nations. The American Revolution taught England how to treat her colonies, so that they are today most loyal to her. The Constitution has had a momentous influence upon every country in the world. Immediately after its framing, South and Central America and Mexico became republics, modelling their constitutions after that of this country. Another republican and spiritual influence upon foreign nations has been the formation of cosmopolitan clubs in the American universities, and the fraternizing in the United States of all nations. Indeed, America itself is a great cosmopolitan club.
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