
Play by P. W. MacKaye to be Given

Under the auspices of the Radcliffe English Club, the Coburn Players, a travelling company, with the aid of the Harvard Dramatic Club, will present on May 28 "The Canterbury Pilgrims," by P. W. MacKaye '97. The performance will be in the open air at night, probably in the open space behind Bertram Hall. The play itself, which is written in the style of Geoffrey Chaucer, deals with the actions and adventures of the pilgrims of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales."

The Coburn Players are a company trained in the spirit and technique of the poetic drama, who during the past five summers, have interpreted Shakespearian plays in the open air at different universities of the country. This year they will present Mr. MacKaye's comedy. The idea of the company is to bring the universities and the acted drama, without the spirit of commercialism, into closer sympathy.
