

Will Begin on Soldiers Field Monday and Continue Daily Until April 17.

Spring football practice will begin next Monday, and will continue daily until Friday, April 17.

It is absolutely necessary for everyone who expects to come out for the team next year to report on Monday, except those who are on the University or Freshman squads in rowing, baseball, or track. Coach Haughton will be in charge and the practice will be run on practically the same system as last year. It is expected that there will be a large number of coaches, and especial attention will be given to individual coaching. All men who show any ability in punting, drop-kicking, or place-kicking will be given every opportunity for further development. Coach Haughton will outline the work for spring practice at a meeting to be held in the Trophy Room of the Union Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.

It is not only essential that everyone report for practice on time, but that they should attend the meeting in the Union, so that they may know what will be expected of them.
