
Summary of Fogg Art Museum Report

The annual report of the Fogg Art Museum, issued by the director, Professor Charles H. Moore, enumerates the many important accessions of the past year. A picture attributed to Bartholomaus Zeitblom, a German painter of the late fifteenth century, has been purchased with--the income of the Prichard fund. The subject of this picture is the Visitation and it is on panel, in excellent condition, and a fine example of the German art of its time. From Mr. Roger A. Derby, the museum has received an Italian painting of the Madonna with St. Catherine, attributed to Luini. Messrs. E. W. Forbes '95, Richard Norton '92, and Alden Sampson '76 have sent a limestone relief of ancient workmanship from Palmyra, and Mr. James Loeb '88 has given 48 casts of ancient marbles, bronzes and terra-cottas from the collection of the late Professor Furtwraengler of Berlin.

The print collections have been considerably augmented. To the Gray collection of engravings has been added, by purchase from the income of the Gray fund, a print of Samson and Delilah, engraved by Lucas van Leyden. Mr. James Loeb '03 has added to his last year's gift of $1000, for the purchase of 17 lead pencil drawings by Turner, the sum of $210 for a case to contain these drawings. From Mr. Walter M. Cabot the Museum has received, as an indefinite loan, a small collection of Japanese works of art, consisting of drawings, paintings and ornamental carvings.

To the collection of photographs 1,926 additions have been made, comprising illustrations of English and French mediaeval architecture, and Italian, English, Dutch, Flemish, German, Spanish, and French painting. Nearly a hundred slides, illustrating Egyptian and Greek sculpture, Dutch and Early French painting, and some architectural monuments, have been added to the collection. The total number of photographs in the collection now is 41,452, of which 3,551 still remain uncatalogued. The number of slides catalogued was 98 and the total number now in the collection is 3,752. During the summer the annual examination was made, and every photograph and slide was accounted for.
